Yvonne Long brings us the weekly round-up of news from across Soham.

Community Group

Members of the Monday Club got together at The Causeway Centre on September 23.

On arrival, refreshments were served before the club became a hive of activity preparing bunting for the Pumpkin Fair.

Everyone was kept busy gluing and chatting and enjoying themselves. The club has won the best dress stall for the last two years and also a free stall on previous years.

Lunch was served and birthday greeting were sung to Brian George. Andrew Fleet was thanked for donating bingo prizes. Ann Fleet organised the raffle, she was assisted by Carol Sennett giving out the prizes. Refreshments were served followed by games of bingo, with Claire White calling the numbers, assisted by Jean Gammon checking the books and giving out the prizes.

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning of September 24,16 people met with Roger Holliday and David Jaye in The Pavilion. During the morning, Roger organised the raffle. Coffee mornings take place every Tuesday, from 9am to 11am.

Comrades Club Bingo

On the evening of September 24, 25 people met in the Comrades Club for an evening of Bingo. During the break for refreshments, the raffle took place. More members would be very welcome. Doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Trefoild Guild

Olive Wilson welcomed everyone to the recent meeting of the Trefoild Guild in Soham Library. Members were set a challenge to make something relating to the sky, resulting in a kite. Refreshments were served and it was announced that members have been invited to lunch at the Larman Centre on October 8. 

Over 60s Club

Members of the club met in The Pavilion on the afternoon of September 27.

Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone and birthday greetings were sung to Christine Brown. Ruth welcomed the Breckland Bell ringers who gave an excellent afternoon's entertainment. Refreshments were served followed by the raffle with Richard Badcock. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.

Methodist News

Everyone enjoyed an excellent tea which was held in the Methodist Church Hall on the afternoon of September 25. The next one will be on October 23 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Everyone welcome, book your place with Lesley Watchorn on: 01353721669.

The next coffee morning is on October 11, from 10am to midday. Everyone welcome.