Yvonne Long brings readers the news from community groups in Soham.

Soham Community Group

Members of the Monday Club met in The Causeway Centre on the morning of Monday, August 5. When everyone was seated refreshments were served.

This week's session was a fund raising day with all proceeds going to Breast Cancer Research. A bring-and-buy sale was organised Claire White and Jean Gammon.

Lunch was an afternoon tea. The cakes and scones were donated by Sylvia Audus. Hazel Neal celebrated her birthday and members sang birthday greetings.

Carol Sennett and Betty Hitchings organised the raffle of the prizes donated by members. The total raised for the charity was £515. Thanks were extended to everyone who donated items.

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning of August 6, 19 people got together with Roger Holliday and David Jaye in The Pavilion. There was lots of chat and catching up with friends and Roger organised the raffle.

On Tuesday, August 13, members will meet at Scottsdales Garden Centre for tea.

Comrades Club Bingo

On the evening of Tuesday, August 6, about 25 people met in The Comrades Club for an evening of bingo. Birthday greetings were sung to Jenny Langley. During the break for refreshment, the raffle took place. New members welcome, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Methodists News

A successful coffee morning was held in the Church hall on the morning of August 9. Members of the church manned the stalls which included books, puzzles, bric-a-brac, tombola, nearly-new, competitions and the raffle.

Kathy Barber collected the entry fees, Ken Brown organised the raffle and winner of the door prize was Betty Gordon. Lesley Watchorn thanked everyone for their support. The next coffee morning is on Friday, September 13, from 10am till midday. 

Over 60s Club

On the afternoon of August 9, Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone to the meeting in The Pavilion. The speaker for the afternoon was Jeanette Moser who was accompanied by her husband Alan.

Her talk entitled 'Everyone has a Story' was excellent. Jeanette was born in South Africa and she spoke about her family history.

Ruth gave the vote-of-thanks. Refreshments were served and Richard organised the raffle. Birthday greetings were sung to Jenny Langley. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn