Yvonne Long brings the news from community groups and organisations across Soham.

Soham Community Group

Members of The Monday Club met at The Causeway on the morning of Monday, July 22.

A new member was welcomed who had been on the waiting list for some time. When everyone had arrived, refreshments were served by the voluntary helpers.

The entertainment on this occasion was Bondy who sang and played guitar. Everyone enjoyed his music, and those who are able had a dance.

A vote-of-thanks was given. Lunch was then served. The raffle came next, organised by Carol, with all prizes donated by the members.

Refreshments were served and birthday greetings were sung to Barbara Reed. Games of bingo played. Peter Wells called the numbers and prizes were donated by Andrew Fleet.

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning of Tuesday, July 23, 19 people got together with Roger Holliday and David Jaye in The Pavilion.

There was lots of chat and laughter meeting up with friends and catching up with the latest news. Roger organised the raffle of the prizes donated by the members.

Coffee mornings take place in The Pavilion on Tuesdays, from 9am to 11am.

Comrades Club Bingo

It was eyes-down once again for the bingo enthusiasts who get together every Tuesday evening in the Comrades Club.

About 25 people attended on the evening of July 23, but the club would welcome more members. During the break for refreshments, the raffle took place. Doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s club

On the afternoon of Friday, July 26, Ruth Ginn welcomed 26 members to the club.

Ruth organised a quiz, 40 questions on general knowledge, food and drink.

Brenda Rump's team were the winners. Every member received a prize for taking part.

Refreshments were served and Richard Badcock organised the raffle of the prizes donated by the members.

Richard gave out the details of outings in August and September, dates to be confirmed. A cheque for £150 had been received from the carnival funds. This will go toward the hire of a coach for the outings. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.