Yvonne Long reports on the news from clubs and groups in Soham.

Phoenix Club

On the morning of Wednesday, July 10, members of the Phoenix Club met at The Causeway Centre.

Chairman Sheila Abbott welcomed everyone. Refreshments were served and members were invited to view the many items that had been brought along for the bring-and-buy auction.

Sheila was the auctioneer, assisted by Kathy Clarke, and the goods offered made £52 for club funds.

Next came the raffle of items donated by the members. Sheila thanked everyone for donating the items for the auction. Members were reminded to be at the Cherry Tree for lunch at midday on Wednesday, August 14. Yvonne Long brought the meeting to a close with humorous tales and a quiz. Sheila gave the vote-of-thanks.

Soham Community Group

On  the morning of Monday, July 8 members of the Monday Club met at the Causeway Centre. On arrival they were met by the voluntary and enjoyed refreshments.

The entertainment on this occasion was Bondy a singer and guitarist and members enjoyed a dance and a singalong to 50s and 60s music. A vote-of-thanks and a round of applause was given. He was so good he has been booked for the club's Christmas party.

Lunch was served and Carol gave out the announcements, thanking people for there kind donations of prizes for the raffle. Birthday greetings were sung to Phylis Blair.

The raffle came next with Claire White assisted by Jean Gammon giving out the prizes. Refreshments were served followed by five games of bingo. Prizes donated by Andrew Fleet were greatly appreciated. The members were then taken home by the voluntary drivers.


On Monday evening Carol Sennett and Ann Fleet attended a presentation of cheques from the proceeds of the Soham Carnival. They were presented with a cheque for £150 for the Monday Club funds.

Community Care Coffee morning

On the morning of Tuesday,  July 9, Roger Holliday and David Jaye welcomed 19 people to the coffee morning in The Pavilion.

Final details were discussed for the planned visit to Scottsdale’s for tea in August. Roger organised the raffle during the morning. Coffee mornings are held on Tuesdays, from 9am to11am, in The Pavilion.

Comrades Club Bingo

It was eyes-down for the bingo enthusiasts who meet in The Comrades Club on Tuesday eveninga. On July 9, about 25 people attended. During the break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. New members are always welcome, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

On July 12, 27 members of the club met at the Soham Cherry Tree for lunch. Everyone enjoyed a two or three course lunch. Roger Holliday thanked Richard on behalf of everyone for organising the lunch.

Methodists News

Members and friends of the Methodist's church got together again in the church hall for the regular monthly coffee morning. There was a variety of stalls to peruse, including books, puzzles, bric-brac, nearly-new clothes and the main draw.

Refreshments were served. Pauline organised the raffle and Lesley Watchorn thanked everyone for there continuing support and also Betty Mutton for taking over from Kath Barber as the door steward.

This event raised £257  for church funds. The next coffee morning is on Friday, August 9, from 10am to midday.