A drink driver who crashed his car while almost five times the legal limit has been disqualified from driving for four years. 

Police were called to Newnham Street in Ely at just before 11pm on June 14 with reports Christopher Morgan had crashed his Mazda into a wall outside his home and hit another parked vehicle.

The 58-year-old blew 170 at the roadside, almost five times the legal limit of 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath. He went on to provide an evidential reading of 135 in custody.

Morgan told officers he was ‘technically’ driving but he was only moving the vehicle to a different position so it didn’t get covered in bird poo.

At Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on Thursday July 11, Morgan was sentenced to eight weeks in custody, suspended for eight months after pleading guilty to drink driving.

PC Steven Hughes, who investigated, said: “The sentence given to Morgan reflects the seriousness of his actions and the fact that this is not the first time he has been caught behind the wheel while drunk.

“Drink driving is extremely dangerous and can affect your driving in a number of ways including your ability to judge speed and distance and your reaction and coordination skills.”

Cambridgeshire Constabulary operates a 24/7 confidential drink and drug driving hotline on 0800 032 0845.