Scouting numbers are soaring in Ely, prompting a call out for more volunteers.

In just over a month, the number of youngsters involved in Scouts in the area has risen by more than 25 per cent.

This rapid growth across all five sections has led Scout Groups and Explorer Units to seek more volunteers.

The surge of interest means there are more opportunities to volunteer in roles ranging from helping with various age sections to administrative or fundraising tasks.

READ MORE: £2k donation will allow local scouts group to buy new camping equipment

Cub Scout Lola said: “Over the weekend, I’ve been climbing, kayaking, making a bracelet, got wet with the water rockets, made S’mores and took part in singing around the campfire.

"It’s been ace.”

The Scouts offer more than 250 activities for children, from abseiling to zorbing, focusing on the development of skills like teamwork, self-confidence and problem-solving.

Lead volunteer Graham said: “We have nearly 100 children and young people on our waiting list who could join tomorrow and we are looking for volunteers.

"More volunteers would enable more children and young people to do these activities and learn skills for life.”

With children eager to join, the demand for volunteers is significant.

Highlighting the rewards of volunteering, volunteer Nigel said: “Seeing a child achieve something they didn’t think they could do will always bring a smile to your face.

"Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose and a great deal of pride and satisfaction.”

Nigel added: "Volunteering with Scouts is flexible and whatever time you can give, we will find a role for you.

"We will provide training as and when you want to do some.

"As a volunteer, you will make new friends, learn new skills, share interests and experience, be taken out of your comfort zone (only if you want to be) and make a difference to people’s lives."
