Yvonne Long brings us her weekly round-up of news from Soham. 

Soham Community group

On the morning of Monday, June 24, members of The Monday Club met at The Causeway Centre.

On  arrival, and when everyone was seated, refreshments were served.

Members were given a real treat as the entertainment was provided by Wayne Goodman, a magician who provided a superb hour of tricks and jokes.

A vote-of-thanks was given, and the members showed their appreciation with a round of applause.

Following lunch, Claire White organised the raffle, she was assisted by Jean Gammon giving out the prizes which were all donated by the attendees and the voluntary helpers.

Refreshments were served and birthday announcements given out. This week, birthday greetings were sung to Pam Hall, Ann Willett, Joan Fuller and Brenda Rump.

Bingo was next on the agenda with Claire calling the numbers and Jean checking the books and giving out the prizes which had been donated by Andrew Fleet.

Community Care Coffee Morning

Roger Holliday and David Jaye were pleased to welcome 21 people to the coffee morning on June 25.

This is a great opportunity for friends to get together and catch. During the morning Roger organised the raffle with prizes donated by members.

These coffee mornings are held every Tuesday, from 9am to 11am, in The Pavilion.

Trefold Guild

On June 25, members of the Trefold Guild met in Soham Library. Maureen Doggett welcomed everyone before introducing Wayne Brett from Ely who gave an interesting and informative talk on his work with Search and Rescue.

He was given a vote-of-thanks. Refreshments were served and the meeting closed with Tapps.

Comrades Club

On the evening of June 25, about 25 people got together in the Comrades Club for an evening of bingo. During the break for refreshment, the raffle was organised. New members always welcome, doors open at 7pm, for eyes down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

On the afternoon June 28, Ruth Ginn welcomed members to the meeting in the Pavilion.

Birthday greetings were sung to Brenda Rump who celebrated a special birthday. Games of bingo were played with Richard Badcock calling the numbers assisted by Yvonne Long checking the books and Ruth giving out the prizes.

Refreshments were served followed by the raffle with Richard. Names were taken for the forthcoming lunch booked at The Cherry Tree for July 12.

Menus were selected and deposits paid.The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.

The club would welcome new members ,they are also looking for new speakers and entertainment please contact Ruth Ginn on: 01353 720128 if you can help.

Methodists News

The next coffee morning is on Friday July 12 in the Church Hall from 10am to midday everyone welcome.

Phoenix Club

The next meeting of the Phoenix Club at The Causeway is on Wednesday, July 10, from 9.30am to 11.30am. There is a bring-and-buy sale. Entry is £3 and includes raffle and refreshments. New members are welcome.