An actress with roots in East Cambridgeshire has written a new series for BBC Two. 

Michelle de Swarte, who starred in popular HBO series The Baby, penned the comedy drama Spent, which she also stars in. 

Loosely based on her life as a model and the aftermath, the show airs at 10pm on Monday July 8.

Former model Michelle, who has appeared on catwalks in London, Paris, Milan and New York, plays the central character Mia.

Through the show, Michelle reveals the underbelly of the fashion business while managing to make the audience laugh at the same time.

Viewers will also get involved with her relationships and family interactions too.

Michelle said: "Littleport a great place to visit – my mum lived there for some years and my brother attended Ely College.

"But, absolutely the best thing for me is that I can chill out with my two grans who live there."

Ely Standard columnist Lyn Gibb-de Swarte has said she is extremely proud of her granddaughter Michelle.