Lyn of Littleport speaks about recent fundraising in the local area and highlights some upcoming events.

As King Canute discovered when he rocked up on the water with his retinue one dark night and found mooring, refuge and hospitality, Littleport is on the Isle of Ely.

Our address is officially Littleport, Ely, and we are forever entwined thus.

Many of our groups include Ely in their title or have close links.

And this Sunday (July 7) the 1st Littleport Scouts, celebrating 50 years since registering with HQ, are participating in the Aquafest organised by Ely Rotary.

There’ll be raft races for the Scouts (and the public too) on the river at the Marina. Get there for 11 am to get a good view. 

Starts at 11.30 and until 5pm, visit Jubilee Gardens and Lavender Green for the interesting stalls.

One of our local Littleport farmers, Leslie Murfitt, and his friends in the Ely Masonic Lodges, suggested the Littleport Scouts be given a donation for new camping equipment from the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Fund.

Last week, they received a cheque for £2,000 presented to Scout Group lead volunteer Philip Watson at the Freemasons Hall in Cambridge.

Littleport Scouts have social activities’ sections for everyone from four-years-old; and at 14-18 many join the Explorer Scout Units within the Ely District. 

Attracting older people - the community initiative Littleport and Ely Timebank – they are a sociable group who welcome newcomers and meet every Thursday morning 10-11.30 at Adams Heritage Centre, Main Street CB6 1PH.

Members swap tasks like a bit of shopping for a spot of weeding etc. To join in just turn up or call Stephen 07776201813.

Littleport has always had that altruistic vibe, and it has a wonderful facility supporting adults with learning difficulties at 27 Grange Lane CB6 1HW.

And on Saturday July 6 from 11am to 2pm they have their annual open garden event. £1 to get in, under 16’s free. Stalls, free games, tombola, a plant sale, refreshments and ice cream. And a fairy garden competition, £2 entry.