Yvonne Long gives us her weekly report from Soham community groups.

Community Group

On the morning of Monday, June 17, members of the Monday Club got together once again at The Causeway Centre.

On arrival they were welcomed by the volunteers and when everyone was settled they were served refreshments.

Angela and her therapy dog Lily attended and are always very welcome.

The entertainment at the club this week was Romy who had brought along her dog. Romy played guitar and sang many songs with the members enjoying a sing-along.

A vote-of-thanks was given and the audience showed there appreciation with a round of applause.

Lunch was served and everyone sang birthday greetings to Arlene King. The raffle came next with Claire White assisted by Jean Gammon giving out the prizes.

Refreshments were served before five games of bingo were played with the prizes all kindly donated by Andrew Fleet.

Comrades Club Bingo

On the evening of Tuesday,  June 18, about 25 people met in the Comrades Club for an evening of bingo.

During the break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. Everyone is welcome to these bingo evenings, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone to the meeting in The Pavilion on the afternoon of Friday, June 21.

Ruth introduced Romy known as Calamity Kate who gave an excellent afternoon's entertainment playing guitar and singing a selection of country music songs.

Members all enjoyed a sing-along. She ended her hourly programme with a rousing rendition of Delilah.

Members showed there appreciation with a round of applause. Ruth gave the vote-of-thanks. Refreshments were served and Richard Badcock organised the raffle. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.

The club would welcome more members and they are also looking for new speakers and entertainment if anyone can help please contact Ruth Ginn on: 01353 720128.