The Ely community rallied to support a school's summer fair, which managed to raise £2700 despite an unexpected storm.

The Lantern Summer Fair took place June 15, organised by Friends of the Lantern School and headteacher Anthony Aguda.

The event was largely relocated indoors in response to an altered weather forecast.

FOTLS chairwoman, Meredith Hux Atkins said: "We woke up to a sunny Saturday and were second guessing our decision.

Most performances took place indoors Most performances took place indoors (Image: Submitted)

"But then torrential rain, gusty winds and a thunderstorm struck - and we were so relieved we’d gone with our contingency plan."

The decision proved beneficial, as excess parking was provided on-site to minimise distraction caused by the weather.

Mrs Hux Atkins said: "Our team spent many hours planning for how to still host in the face of unpredictable weather.

"At the conclusion of the event we all had tremendous gratitude for our team and the community."

Surprisingly, the weather did not deter participation as the fair's attendance surged, with people enjoying the affairs even after the official conclusion of the event.

The fair continued by moving inside The fair continued by moving inside (Image: Submitted)

Headteacher Mr Aguda, who braved the weather in the stocks, said: "The rain did not dampen our spirits."

The event successfully managed to raise more than £2700, with hopes that the final contribution will exceed £3000.

These funds would provide grants to every classroom and also fund an anti-choking device in the dining room.

Mrs Hux Atkins added: "Of course our aim is to raise funds for the school - but the fair was about so much more.

"Seeing the community come together, with so many happy faces was incredibly heartwarming."

The fair flaunted performances by Ely Dojo and The Lane Academy, refreshments, games and activities, face painting, a raffle and tombola.

Caroline, eight, loved the fair saying: "My favourite thing about the Summer Fair is that everyone gets to do what they want - and that’s fine."

Ten-year-old Matthew, was the lucky recipient of the top raffle prize - a £300 voucher for Ely’s City Cycle Centre.

Matthew said: "I’m not sure what I’m going to buy but I bet it’s going to be something amazing."

The unexpected thunderstorm resulted in the Lane Academy's performance being moved indoors.

However, parents were reassured of a special performance for those who missed it due to the sudden change of weather.

Lane Academy teacher, Lisa Brown, stated it was their "first time performing in thunder and lightning".

Lantern Academy's performance was cut short by a thunder storm Lantern Academy's performance was cut short by a thunder storm (Image: Submitted)

Vanessa Cross, running The Lane Academy, humorously added: "Lane Academy are ready for anything.

"We hope you enjoyed the Lantern Summer Fair."

Despite the weather, the community showed unwavering support to make the event a grand success.