A summer garden party was held in the Bishop of Ely’s Garden raising funds for Mothers’ Union projects locally and worldwide.

Members and guests enjoyed the sunny weather and refreshments in the beautiful surroundings while listening to entertainment provided by Spikes Cello Ensemble from the King’s School in Ely.

There were stalls including a display of the Worldwide Links with Ely Diocesan Mothers’ Union in Africa and India, a card and gift stall, and raffle.

£200 raised from summer party for Mothers' Union projects £200 raised from summer party for Mothers' Union projects (Image: Submitted)

Funds raised from the raffle and donations totalled £200 which will benefit the charity’s work among children and families.

One of the Ely group’s main projects is providing holidays locally for families in need of a break.

This summer’s MU overseas project focuses on supporting work that’s transforming the lives of women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa, through literacy and numeracy schemes.

There will be more information about the work of the Mothers’ Union at their Banner Exhibition in Ely Cathedral’s Lady Chapel from August 1-14.