Six hundred visitors helped to raise more than £5,500 during an open garden event in Ely.

Sunday June 2 was the NGS Ely Open gardens, when seven gardens opened their gates to all who wished to come and enjoy the efforts of the gardeners.

Ken Ellis, one of the organisers, said: "There was much to see from a tortoise to a train, and with afternoon teas at the Methodist Church, it was a very convivial afternoon.

"We were blessed with the only fine day in a string of otherwise indifferent weather, which helped to swell the numbers.

"On behalf of all of the gardeners, I’d like to thank those that supported the afternoon, allowing us to contribute funds to the NGS to share amongst the wide range of charities that it supports.

"For us personally, it was a time of sweet sadness as we opened our gates for the last time.

"We’ve been associated with the garden opening for 20 years, coordinating the event for around 10 years.

"We would like to thank all of those who have worked with us over the years, and wish them well in the future. May the sun always shine on the opening."

(Image: Ken Ellis)