Ely Photographic Club has confirmed the dates of two exhibitions it is organising to celebrate 50 years since it was founded.  

The first will be held in Babylon Arts at the Waterside from September 4 until September 29, 2024. 

The exhibition open on weekdays from midday-4pm (except Mondays). Weekend hours are 10am-4pm.  

Photographs will also be exhibited for a fortnight at The Yard by Silver Oak, in Newnham Street, Ely, between October 29 and November 12, 2024.  

Ely Photographic Club was founded in 1974 and currently has just over 40 members.  

Its season officially takes place between September and May.    

Members meet on Wednesday evenings during the school term time between 7.30pm-9.30pm at Adelaide Hall, in Ely College.    

Potential new members are also offered three meetings on a trial basis before committing.  

Membership price is £60 a year and pro-rata rates are available for those joining during the season. 

Contact Phil Lenney, the club’s secretary, via the Ely Photographic Club website at www.elyphotographicclub.co.uk for more information.