Ely’s very own Take That superfan has shared how she spent the best part of a week camping outside stadiums to be on the front row of their concerts.  

Sue Smith joined other ‘Thatters’ - the name given to devoted followers of the famous group – at gigs in Norwich, Milton Keynes and Southampton.  

She set off last Bank Holiday Monday (May 27) and with Take That and their security’s permission, pitched up her tent and camped outside Carrow Road.  

Sue Smith, from Ely, (left) with fellow Thatters on the front row of a Take That concert.Sue Smith, from Ely, (left) with fellow Thatters on the front row of a Take That concert. (Image: Sue Smith) Sue said: “Me and a group of around 35 Thatters sat in camping chairs until dusk then pitched our tents and slept under the stars.  

“The security was amazing, with paramedics ensuring we were safe and happy, and bottled water being provided too.” 

Describing the concert from the front row, she added: “The boys come to their audience during the gig…  

"... the most amazing moment and I was so very lucky that Gary came to me to sing Hold Up A Light …. what a moment!” 

Take That are currently on their “This Life” world tour. 

Sue Smith camped outside stadiums overnight before the recent Take That concerts in Norwich, Milton Keynes and Southampton.Sue Smith camped outside stadiums overnight before the recent Take That concerts in Norwich, Milton Keynes and Southampton. (Image: Sue Smith) After the Tuesday night gig, Sue treated herself to a hotel before setting off early the next morning to camp out for the Thursday concert at the Milton Keynes Don stadium.  

Then she drove down to Southampton to again set up her tent, arriving 36 hours before Gary Barlow, Howard Donald and Mark Owen even took to the stage.  

Throughout her work of following Take That, Sue Smith even collected all the wristbands from the concerts she went to.Throughout her work of following Take That, Sue Smith even collected all the wristbands from the concerts she went to. (Image: Sue Smith) Sue said: “You just cannot beat the happiness this amazing man band give us. 

“A stadium full of love and to be rewarded with those front barrier positions to sing and dance and be transported to another place. 

“For just two hours is just the best feeling like no other!” 

She added: “This band can still fill stadiums almost 35 years after they first came together… in their words ‘they’ve still got it’!”