Yvonne Long provides us with a round-up of news in Soham. 

Soham Community Group

On Monday June 10, members of the Monday Club got together once again in The Causeway Centre.

Once everyone had arrived, refreshments were served by the volunteers. The entertainment was provided by Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service who gave a great talk about the vital service they provide for the public.

A vote-of-thanks was given and then lunch was served. The raffle came next, which was a joint effort from Ann Fleet, Jean Gammon and Pam Hall.

Refreshments were again served and this was followed by games of bingo. Carol Brannan called the numbers and Jean Gammon gave out the prizes, all generously donated by Andrew Fleet.

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning of Tuesday, June 11, some 28 members and friends went on a day trip. A stop was made at King's Lynn for coffee and members had a browse round the shops before boarding the coach to continue their journey to Hunstanton for lunch. David Jaye and Roger Holliday were thanked for organising the outing.

Comrades Club Bingo

Members of the Comrades Club bingo got together once again. Birthday greetings were sung to Hilary and during the break everyone enjoyed a selection of sandwiches and cake. There was also a raffle. New members always welcome. Doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Phoenix Club

Members of the club met at The causeway on June 12. Chairman Sheila Abbott welcomed everyone before introducing Jo Griffin from Move it or Loose it.

Members took part in a wide variety of exercises while sitting in chairs. All of which are aimed at improving balance, confidence in mobility, flexibility and strength and independence. After the exercise, everyone enjoyed refreshments.

Sheila gave the vote-of-thanks. The raffle was organised by Kathy Clarke. The next meeting is on July 10, with a bring-and-buy auction. Meetings are from 9.30am to 11.30am. New members always welcome.

Over 60s Club

Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone to the meeting on the afternoon of Friday June 14. This included the return of members Sally and guest Bernard Jolly.

The speaker for the the afternoon was local historian Donna Martin and her subject this time was The Lost Hyths  of East -Fen Edge.

Donna provided an interesting and detailed illustrated talk about the many rivers using pack horses and boats for transport going back as far as 2500BC.

Ruth gave the vote-of-thanks and a donation. Pam Hall and Jenny Killick served refreshment and this was followed by the raffle with Ruth. The next meeting is on Friday, June 21. Entertainment by Calamity Jane.

Knit and Knatter

Member of Knit and Knatter continue to meet in the football club every Thursday from 1.30pm to 4pm .At present they are busy knitting scarves for the football club and they also continue to knit blankets that are taken to the maternity unit at West Suffolk Hospital. Refreshments are served during the afternoon.

Methodists News

A very successful coffee morning was held in the church hall on the morning of Friday, June 14. Stalls were manned by members of the church and included puzzles, books, bric-a-brac, tombola, nearly-new and a raffle. There were also refreshments. Kathy Barber was on the door, Rev Catherine Dixon organised the raffle and Lesley Watchorn thanked the stall holders and everyone for there continuing support.