St Mary's Church in Ely welcomed Royalty this week at a celebratory event to mark the centenary of one of Cambridgeshire’s most well-known charities.

Champions of rural action and support, the Cambridgeshire Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE) is this year celebrating 100 years of making a grassroots difference for the 280 villages across Cambridgeshire.

The event was joined by HRH The Duke of Gloucester as part of his day-long visit to Cambridgeshire, attended by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Julie Spence OBE QPM, who is also President of Cambridgeshire ACRE. 

Since its inception in 1924, the registered charity has helped inject an estimated £100 million worth of investment into rural Cambridgeshire communities. 

The event brought together staff, trustees, volunteers, voluntary organisations, statutory organisations and others who make a difference to people’s lives in rural Cambridgeshire.

After meeting Village Hall trustees, rural affordable Housing partners, community hub volunteers & village agents as well as Cambridgeshire ACRE staff and trustees, His Royal Highness was invited to cut a 100-year birthday cake as guests wished Cambridgeshire ACRE the happiest of 100th birthdays.

Speaking at the event and commenting on the 100 years of Cambridgeshire ACRE, His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Julie Spence OBE QPM said: “It was my esteemed predecessor, Lord Lieutenant Charles Adeane CB JP, who led the initial discussions that took place in the 1920s regarding the plight of the local countryside and where the idea to establish the Cambridgeshire Rural Community Council was first proposed.

"This centenary year gives us all a chance to reflect on what is a remarkable achievement whilst at the same time, raising awareness of the significant challenges faced by those living and working in rural Cambridgeshire today.

"Cambridgeshire ACRE’s role, as an advocate for rural communities, is just as relevant today as it was when it was first founded.

She added: "If we look back over our 100 years, we see many of the same challenges recurring now for our rural residents - such as cost-of-living crisis, housing shortages and rural isolation - but we now we have an established voluntary sector on our side, supported by a deeply committed team within Cambridgeshire ACRE who work closely with the rural communities we serve.”