An event of music and poetry provided entertainment for audiences at St Andrew’s Church in Witchford on June 11.

The evening showcased new musicians Robin Irvine, a lute player, and alto Jennifer Bastable, who delighted the crowd with an array of songs from diverse eras, ranging from medieval and renaissance to modern folk.

In addition to the musical performances, the evening also served as a platform to announce the winners of the poetry competition for the Tedora Cup.

Laments, love songs and pieces themed around historical figures and moments were among the numbers performed by the musicians.

The Isle Singers also took to the stage The Isle Singers also took to the stage (Image: Submitted)

Robin not only played but also walked the audience through the history of each song before it was performed.

Church warden Rosemary Westwell said: "It was wonderful to hear these musicians bring alive music that would have been played at the time of the consecration of the church in the late 14th Century."

The winners of the Tedora Cup were announced.

The winning poem was After a Broken Relationship  while the second and third placed entries were Starlings by Lucy Short and Walking with Richard by Sarah Martin.

More than £100 was made through a retiring collection for the church.