A debate will be held at Ely Cathedral ahead of the General Election.

The debate, also known as a hustings, will see the candidates competing to be the MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire coming together to answer questions submitted by the public.

It will take place on June 30 at Ely Cathedral, and doors will open at 5:30pm for the event to begin at 6.

It will be hosted by Lord Wilson of Dinton, who is a crossbench member of the House of Lords. He is not aligned to any political party. 

Lord Wilson of Dinton's role will be to ensure that all candidates get a fair hearing and to make sure that the audience have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates.

Anyone that would like to submit a question can do so by emailing hustings@elycathedral.org by Monday, June 24.

The questions will be from a range of subject areas, and they will be selected from those submitted before the event.Tickets are available here, on the Ely Cathedral website, and they are free of charge. Anyone that doesn't get a ticket can watch the live stream on the Ely Cathedral YouTube channel.

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The Ely and East Cambridgeshire candidates are:

Lucy Frazer (Conservatives), Elizabeth McWilliams (Labour), Charlotte Cane (Lib Dems), Ryan Coogan (Reform), Andy Cogan (Green), Robert Bayley (Social Democrat Party), Hoo Ray Henry (The Official Monster Raving Looney Party), Obi Monye (Independent) and Rob Rawlins (Independent).