A hand-crafted star is making its way across the globe to spread the legacy of an East Cambridgeshire boy who passed away.

Just before Christmas, Sharon Wright made the hama-bead stars in support of Lisa and David Radcliffe, who run Just George, a special named fund at Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group, raising money for research into rhabdomyosarcoma in memory of their son George.

Wanting to help so that the couple "would know they were in my thoughts and spread the word", Lisa hoped to "spread the special George stars as far as we could around the planet, spreading his story and spirit with them."

"One of the stars took a little longer than the rest, but it was worth the wait," she added.

READ MORE: East Cambs family raises £70,000 in five months following son's death

Around the same time, Chloe Terry also heard about George’s story, his love of nature and the idea of sending stars in memory of him, across the world, through his local vicar, Reverend Eleanor Whalley of Soham.

Being from St Helena Island - one of the world’s most remote places and home to the current Guinness World Record holder for the oldest living land animal, Jonathan the Tortoise - Chloe knew how special it would be to facilitate the crossing of George’s star across the seas to the island.

The star set off on its momentous journey and made it safely to the hands of her good friend Zedella on the island.

Upon its arrival, she organised a photo opportunity with George’s star and Jonathan the tortoise.

Zedella said: "Anyone tasked with one of George's beautiful stars are possibly contemplating the same thing - how to best photograph the location the star has found itself in.

"For a small island, Chloe and I talked about a few places but we settled on Jonathan because he is, in essence, a large part of St Helena.

"He's the oldest 'Saint' as well as a Guinness World Record Holder for being the oldest known living animal in the world and he's only found in one place.

"Jonathan is only accessible at certain times. However, on an island so small, it was easy to contact the resident manager, Debbie.

"She requested permission from the governor, Nigel Phillips, and his wife Emma, to visit him and take a photo or two with George's star.

Despite only launching in September 2023, the Just George Fund is now sitting at over £95,000.

Last weekend, a team from MM Flowers completed the Three Peaks Challenge in aid of the fund. 

And, on July 23, The Big Play Date will take place at The Beeches in Isleham. Everyone is invited for coffee, cakes, play and much more.

Visit specialnamedfunds.cclg.org.uk/just-george/ to donate.

(Image: Just George)

(Image: Sharon Wright)