Lucius Vellacott, Soham South councillor for East Cambridgeshire District Council, writes his column for June.

I have begun a mini-campaign alongside residents for signage on the High Street and Brook Street to warn drivers of ducks in the road. Please take care when driving around the town. Soham is rightly proud of our wildlife and we ought to take action to protect it.

That is also why the East Cambs District Council requires developers to demonstrate biodiversity net gain and take stringent precautions to protect wildlife in East Cambs.

We also need to take control of speeding and reckless parking on our High Street. We are pressing colleagues to prioritise the police Road Safety Volunteer scheme and start getting penalties issued quickly.

Councillors have been working to ascertain how we can improve public transport locally. The Government’s funding for Ely North railway junction should, in our view, pave the way for improved services at Soham station in the long run.

Lucius says improvements are needed at Soham Station.Lucius says improvements are needed at Soham Station. (Image: Lucius Vellacott)

I also continue to advocate a bus service via Wicken to link the village with the world, and will continue to do so in my new role on the Combined Authority’s overview and scrutiny committee.

It is excellent news that the council passed two cross-party Motions recently, one taking action to prevent abuse and intimidation of public officials, and the other reviewing the accessibility of our playgrounds in East Cambs and providing funding for an audit.

My Facebook account, @CllrLuciusVellacott, will post updates about the General Election ahead of July 4, as well as local news.

Please feel free to give me a follow, and remember to register to vote (or for a postal vote) by June 18. Residents should feel free to contact myself or the council if they require assistance with this process.

It has been a huge pleasure to work for Soham, Wicken and Upware this first year and I look forward to the next. As always, please get in touch: via