The Viva Theatre in Soham recently hosted a play directed by a teenage Hill’s Road student.

The play, Parentcraft by Stephen Smith, was performed by a cast of young people brought together by Hannah Godfrey from schools in Cambridge and Bury St Edmunds.

The play was a huge success with high praise and feedback from the audience.

Hannah, 17, directed the play for her Extended Project Qualification at Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge.

She booked the theatre, arranged and held auditions, designed the posters and show programme, and co-ordinated the rehearsal schedule.

She was supported throughout by directors from the Viva Theatre Company and by the Viva Theatre management team.

Hannah said: “I have always wanted to direct a play and when I found Parentcraft I instantly knew it was the right project.

“It was incredibly exciting to be able to use an established theatre to put the play on. Everyone at Viva was so amazing and incredibly supportive.

“We all had the best time in bringing the play to life, and it really couldn’t have gone better. I would do it all again in a heartbeat!”

During the audition process, Hannah extended the net beyond her fellow students at Hills Road and was delighted to find some very talented actors.

“So much so that she decided to change the gender of the single male character to accommodate a particularly talented comic actor - Esme Latta.

“Esme was just perfect for the role, which required excellent comic timing. I looked at the script and felt that it would work, so I wrote to the playwright and asked his permission.

“He agreed and even suggested a new name for the now female character. He was so supportive and even came to see the show and loved it!”

The all female cast included: Sophie Rutterford, a student from Long Road Sixth Form College; Łucja Kubiak, Lily Thorpe and Izzy Laws from Hills Road Sixth Form College; and Esme Latta who is studying at Abbeygate Sixth Form College in Bury St Edmunds.

The play follows five expectant parents who find themselves in a small hospital room, awaiting the midwife who is going to give them their first Parentcraft class.

Differences in experiences, outlook, and class lead to some interesting - and at times hilarious - exchanges as each of the five have to face, and come to terms with, the prejudices of their companions.

Dan Schumann DL, founder of Viva Arts and Community Group, which runs the Viva Theatre, said: “Hannah was an absolute joy to work with and is clearly hugely talented.

“I understand that she has ambitions to direct more shows in the future, and the Viva Theatre would be thrilled to host this talented director again.”