Liberal Democrats in East Cambridgeshire are calling for local playgrounds in the district to be improved to meet the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Cllr Chika Akinwale (Ely North) will propose a motion to the full council meeting of  East Cambridgeshire District Council on Thursday, May 23.

This will call on the council to carry out an audit of all playgrounds in the district, and to put together policies, standards, and a costed programme to increase their inclusivity—whoever owns and maintains them.

“Opportunities for outdoor play should be accessible to and inclusive of all children and young people,” says mother-of-three Cllr Akinwale.

“All children and young people have a right to play, which must be supported and reflected in our playgrounds.”

The motion will be seconded by Cllr Lorna Dupré, the councillor for Sutton.

“The district council needs to encourage parish councils to apply these inclusivity standards in their playground projects too, ensuring local community involvement in the planning process, especially when developers are required to provide play areas,” explained Cllr Dupre.

“And the council’s planning department needs to ensure that new playgrounds meet high standards of inclusivity from the outset, actively consulting with parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities during the planning and design phases.”

WHAT DO YOU THINK? What changes do you think are needed, if any, in local play areas and parks in East Cambridgeshire. Let us know your thoughts by emailing: