A community cafe in Sutton presented £1500 to two worthy causes at their presentation day last week.

Every six months, volunteers at Nellie's Community Cafe choose two charities to support.

Since November the cafe has been supporting Cambridgeshire Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) and Sutton Bowls Club.

Customers vote for which charity they wish to support every time they visit.

The profits made are subsequently divided between the charities according to the vote.

Sutton Bowls Club received a cheque for £480 and £1000 was presented to the MNDA.

Simon Crooke of Cambridgeshire MNDA said: “I would like to thank the volunteers and customers of Nellie’s Cafe in Sutton for fundraising for the Cambridgeshire Branch of the MNDA.

“The money raised will help people and their families with MND in Cambridgeshire”.

Secretary of Sutton Bowls Club Jan Smith said: “We would like to thank Nellie's and their customers for this generous donation. This will go towards the continuous costs of maintenance to the bowls green.”

The next two charities to receive Nellie's support are The National Poppy Appeal and Elysian Riding for the Disabled Association.

Nellie's Community Cafe is held on the second Wednesday and last Friday of each month at Scott Court, Pound Lane, Sutton between 10am until 2pm.

For more information about the cafe or to become a volunteer call Helen on (01353 777224