South East Cambridgeshire MP Lucy Frazer has spoken to people in the district about their concerns on local and national issues. Meetings took place in community spaces in Witchford, Wentworth, Stuntney, Reach, Wicken and Upware.

Ely Standard: Lucy Frazer held question and answer sessions with residents.Lucy Frazer held question and answer sessions with residents. (Image: Lucy Frazer)


It is clear that transport connectivity remains a priority for my constituents. Many expressed support for more cycleways, including a proposed route connecting Soham and Wicken which I have supported.

Others reiterated their desire to see an upgraded A10 to reduce congestion, and improvements to bus services so that they better reflect local needs. These are both campaigns that I have been actively working on.

I also noted that speeding and road safety were common themes in each of the villages I visited. Previously, I have helped initiate speed enforcement checks with Cambridgeshire Constabulary and have supported various parish bids for speed calming measures and surface improvements, but I recognise that more can still be done to reduce danger on our roads.

Turning to the national picture – which many residents discussed with me – the Government set out its long-term decisions to support the economy, strengthen our society, and keep people safe in last week’s King’s Speech.

To support economic growth, the Government will make it easier for Britain to trade with the fastest growing economies around the world and will modernise regulation so exciting tech and innovation companies can thrive in Cambridgeshire and across the country.

For our children, the Government is introducing the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, which will ensure that no one aged 14 or under will ever be able to be sold cigarettes, while the new ‘Advanced British Standard’ in schools will put technical and academic education on an equal footing and improve English and maths provision.

I look forward to meeting many more of you in the coming months, but in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me via if you have any questions, or if I can help in any way.