Ely Standard - Memorials

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Death Notice

Nanette Emily 'Nan' Oakes

Published on 28/11/2024

Passed away suddenly at Addenbrookes Hospital on Friday 15th November 2024, aged 88 years. Much loved wife of the late Norman Oakes, mother to Susan, Linda and Melvyn, mother-in-law to Nikki and a dear nannie and great nannie. Funeral service to be held at Fenland Crematorium, March on Friday 20th December at 2.30 p.m. Family flowers only, however donations if desired, to Arthur Rank Hospice Charity can be left on the day of the funeral or sent to Vail Funeral Services, Boundary Farm, Witchford, Cambs, CB6 2HX. Tel 01353 363614


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