The sun and the crowds came out for the annual service and parade of the Royal Anglian Regiment Association on Sunday.

The event, an important date in the calendar of the Royal Anglian Regiment Association - Cambridgeshire, took place at Ely Cathedral.

The vice lord-lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Brigadier Tim Seal TD ADC DL VR, the mayor and mayoress of Ely and Major Mathew Mackinder-Jonas (1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regt) , inspected those on parade and took the salute.

The parade, formed up on The Green along with the Army Cadet Force Corps of Drums playing as the inspection took place.

A parade took place on Sunday afternoon.A parade took place on Sunday afternoon. (Image: Royal Anglian Regiment)

Those on parade included The Royal Anglian Regiment Association-Cambridgeshire, representatives from the Royal British Legion, together with cadets from the Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force.

The Royal British Legion formed part of the parade.The Royal British Legion formed part of the parade. (Image: Royal Anglian Regiment)

Light refreshments were served in the Lady Chapel of Ely Cathedral followed the service which took place in front of the Regimental Chapel in the cathedral where wreaths were laid.

An exhibition of display boards and pop-up banners of the Cambridgeshire Regiment history were on display in the Lady Chapel.

The Dean of Ely Cathedral, the Rev Mark Bonney DL welcomed all to the Service and gave the address. The Rev Alan Jesson TD, the Association chaplain undertook the service.

Lt Col (Rtd) David Denson of the Cambridgeshire Regt Association, said: “It was a very impressive parade and service remembering those who have died for their country in conflict: particularly the Cambridgeshire Regiment and their successors The Royal Anglian Regiment.

"The service in front of the Regimental Chapel was very moving."

"The day incorporated the Regimental Family of Association Members and cadets and members of the public who join us.”