Hopeful of 20mph schemes for Ely


I was interested to read the letter in the Ely Standard last week from Mr P Moores, who quite sensibly asks the source of data for the benefits of 20 mph speed limits.

The campaign group www.20splenty.org has collected a wealth of such information from a variety of sources on the benefits in terms of improved road safety and reduced pollution.

To give just one example, in February this year Transport for London (TfL) estimated that since 20 mph limits were introduced in 2020, collisions on those streets have fallen by 25 per cent and collisions involving pedestrians have been reduced by 63 per cent.

Following a unanimous request last year by the City of Ely Council to us as your county councillors, we have been working with officers at County Highways to design a draft 20mph scheme for Ely.

The proposals will be published shortly and we are looking forward to hearing residents’ views on the proposed plans.

Funding for the scheme has been identified, and if it meets general approval it could be in place within the next 12 months. We are really excited about the benefits this proposal could bring to the lives of everyone within the city.

Alison Whelan & Piers Coutts (Lib Dem) County Councillors Ely North / Ely South.


I have just read your article on the Sutton GP surgery in the Ely Standard with interest.

I feel the local MPs, including Steve Barclay, are being rather disingenuous about this matter.

They have been aware of this problem for some time. Many GPs have decided to retire because of the punitive pension taxation system ( End the pension tax trap for doctors).

The above problem is explained on the BMA website.

Tory MPs, of course, would prefer that this matter is not identified by their constituents.

Teresa Harding 



Soham Community Reports


Soham Community Group

The Monday Club was up to full capacity on the morning of Monday, March 6.

The volunteers served coffee, tea cakes, scones and sausage rolls all made by the volunteers.

The entertainment was provided by Billy G who sang songs from throughout the years.

Claire and Rosie enjoyed a dance. Lunch was provided by The Cherry Tree. It was roast turkey with vegetables, followed by fruit and ice cream.

Birthday greetings were sung to Jean Wells. Claire organised the raffle assisted by mum Jean.

Refreshment was served followed by games of bingo with Claire and Jean. All prizes were donated by Andrew Fleet.

Members all gave a round of applause to show their appreciation thanking him for his continued support. Angela and her Pat dog Lily were presented with a £30 donation to the Therapy Dogs fund. 

Community Care Coffee Morning

Due to the inclement weather numbers were slightly lower at the coffee morning in The Pavilion on the morning of Tuesday, March 7. The 18 people attending enjoyed chatting while catching up on the latest news while being served coffee, tea and biscuits.

Diane Wheeling organised the raffle. These coffee mornings are every Tuesday in The Pavilion from 9am to 11am. All welcome.

Comrades Club

Bingo enthusiasts met in The Comrades Club on the evening of Tuesday, March 7. About 25 people attended, and during the break, the raffle was organised. New members always welcome. Doors open at 7pm for eyes down at 7.45 pm.

Phoenix Club

On the morning of Wednesday, March 8, president Sheila Abbott was pleased to welcome 22 people to the meeting of the Phoenix Club.

The speaker for the meeting was Michael Brand who had been a custom and excise officer for 33 years.

He began his talk with the history of custom and excise before going on to talk about his experiences.

He spent 10 years at Norwich Airport, being part of a task force at Great Yarmouth, inspecting gaming machines, checking for licences in the arcades, working for the coastal patrol office and gaining a boatman’s licence and taking a survival course.

He also spoke of his experiences as a child. Sheila thanked him on behalf of everyone for his very interesting talk.

Birthday greetings were sung to Sheila and everyone enjoyed a cup cake with their tea or coffee.

The raffle took place, and Sheila gave out the announcements which included a 'thank you' to Linda for providing copies of the bank statements for everyone to take away and peruse.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, April 12. The Everyone’s Health meetings starts at 10am in the community centre.

Over 60s Club 

Attendance at the Over 60s club on the afternoon of Friday, March 10 was depleted due to the unpredictable weather conditions.

The afternoon was a 'show and tell, and members had been invited to bring along items that meant something to them and then talk about this item.

Ruth started proceedings with a story about her family accompanied by many photographs.

Richard Badcock had brought along some of his collection of coins and memorabilia which he spoke about in detail.

Molly Shaw showed a beautiful black broomstick crochet shawl she had made in a class over 50 years ago.

Yvonne Long followed with her song book relating her time with Madge Smith and the Merry Makers back in the 1980s.

Anita Brown spoke about a WI competition of many years ago and she had also brought along miniature wood carvings.

Ruth thanked everyone for taking part. Refreshments were served and Richard organised the raffle.

The speaker on Friday, March 17, will be Peter Cox.

The singing of the club hymn brought the meeting to a close.

Methodists News

The inclement weather affected attendance at the coffee morning in the Methodist Hall on the morning of Friday, March 10.

Stalls included bric-a-brac, books, tombola and an Easter hamper and a raffle.

There were lots of delicious cakes and pastries to enjoy with coffee and tea.

Ken Brown organised the raffle, and Lesley Watchorn thanked everyone who had contributed to organising and supporting the event. The next coffee mornings is on Friday, April 14, from 10am till midday.

Soham Bowls Club

Richard Badcock welcomed everyone to the bingo evening at the bowls club on Friday March 10.

Richard was the caller assisted by Marion Bysouth checking the books.

During the break for refreshments, Daphne Trinder organised the raffle assisted by Richard.

Birthday greetings were sung to Michael Galley.

Birthday cake and cupcakes were handed around. Richard thanked everyone who organised and took part in the bingo evening.

The next one is on Friday, April 14, doors open at 6.30pm, for eyes down at 7pm.

Yvonne Long

Soham Correspondent